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The Organization "Hope For Children" CRC Policy Center, based in Nicosia (Griva Digeni 56, 1080, tel: 22103234, email: is responsible for processing your personal data and will process them for the exercise of the above activities in compliance with all security measures and in accordance with the principles of GDPR 679/2016.
Your personal data will be kept for as long as it takes to fulfill the purpose of providing the data.


I freely grant to the Humanitarian Organization "Hope For Children" CRC Policy Center my consent to use and process the personal data that I have included in my application for membership as a volunteer.

I have been informed that I am entitled to:

  • Request a copy of my personal data;
  • Request a correction of details that have changed;
  • Request the restriction of the processing of my personal data or to oppose it. I have been informed that "Hope For Children" CRC Policy Center may refuse to comply with this request if “Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center is legally obliged to hold the data or data are necessary to establish, exercise and defend legal claims;
  • Request the revocation of my consent and the deletion of my personal data. I have been informed that "Hope For Children" CRC Policy Center may refuse to comply with this request if “Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center is legally obliged to hold the data or data are necessary to establish, exercise and defend legal claims;
  • Request further information on personal data protection, or to make a complaint, by contacting the person in charge of personal data protection of the Organization, Katerina Melissari, by email:
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