Κοινωνική Λειτουργός
Sophia Rossou is a Social Worker placed at the Children's House.
Sophia studied social work at The Frederick University in Nicosia, Cyprus which included four years education on Systemic Psychotherapy.
She has previously worked as a social worker in a school with children who have special needs followed by working at a parents support program. Since 2019, Sophia has been working at Hope For Children firstly as part of the Foster Care team. During this time she was responsible for the socio – economic evaluation, the training of potential foster parents as well as training for the follow up after the placement. She was also responsible for monitoring all the foster cases.
Sophia has been trained in holding Forensic interviews. She holds the Certification of Promise Forensic Interview with avatar practice for children that may have been abused. She has also received a diploma in the family mediation process.