14 Dec, 2018
Πολιτικές & Οργανωτικά Έγγραφα
The Rights of Adolescents

“Hope for Children” UNCRC Policy Center in cooperation with Law Clinic of the University of Nicosia, announce the submission of their report titled “The Rights of Adolescents” to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, is drafting a report/guidelines on the Rights of Adolescents. The report aims at gathering information regarding the challenges and opportunities adolescents face today. The Committee requested submission from different geographical areas, countries and organisations, in order to get a broad understanding of the experiences of adolescents from around the world.
The submission of the report, by “Hope for Children” UNCRC Policy Center and the Law Clinic of the University of Nicosia, puts forward the information gathered regarding the experiences, opportunities and challenges faced by adolescents in Cyprus. Furthermore, it points out difficulties adolescents face, such as bullying, online grooming, sexual abuse and exploitation. Additionally, the submission provides an overview of the relevant legislation regarding children, juvenile delinquency as well as challenges the adolescents face with regards to their rights. The report makes specific mention on the importance of the application of the four general principles regarding adolescents in the Republic of Cyprus, which are the principle of non-discrimination, the best interest of the child, the right to life and development and children participation.
With this submission, “Hope for Children” UNCRC Policy Center and the Law Clinic of the University of Nicosia reconfirm the application of the relevant principles regarding children and adolescents rights, at a national and international level, thus contributing to the research regarding this specific set of rights.
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