Reconnect with yourself and others on a week-long trip surrounded by nature!

From the 1st to the 8th of May 2023 near Visegràd, Hungary, in the beautiful venue of "Madas László Erdészeti Erdei Iskola", you will have the possibility to gain new skills and develop your competencies in order to grow both professionally and personally. 

Accommodation and food will be fully covered by the Erasmus+ program, and travel expenses will be reimbursed up to certain limits depending on your country. 

Daily activities and workshops will cover topics regarding how you can better treat yourself through exercises and creative methods. 

To improve your skills, you will attend courses regarding, for example, stress management techniques or entrepreneurship, while to assure your mental well-being, you will learn meditation and other activities related to mindfulness. On the other hand, to boost your physical well-being, among other things such as Yoga classes, you will also go to an amazing hike around Visegrád in order to reconnect with yourselves through the power of nature, using natural elements (earth, water, air, fire.)

Participants will also have the chance to bond with the rest of the team through extra activities outside the training schedule: every day you will have intercultural nights where each country will present something traditional from their culture to the others. 

So, if you are 18–30 years old, coming from Hungary, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, or the Czech Republic, and can speak English fluently, don't wait any longer and apply now!

Join us in this adventure and learn how to take care of yourself through the power of nature with new friends from all over Europe.

Check out the information pack and if interested contact our team on 22103234.

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